Illinois State Police To Participate In Saturation Saturday

(Macomb, IL)  --  Illinois State Police District 14 Commander, Captain Jon Dively, has announced plans for Saturation Saturday enforcement. The enforcement initiative will occur on Saturday, August 25, 2018 in conjunction with the Labor Day “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign which runs from August 20 through September 4. Saturation Saturday is a statewide initiative with Mothers Against Drunk Driving to raise awareness on the dangers of drunk and drugged driving, and increase enforcement to remove and arrest individuals driving under the influence. Troopers across the state will join county and local law enforcement agencies for increased enforcement during the evening hours of August 25 and early morning hours of August 26. As the summer season draws to an end, remember some of these important tips: Never let family or friends drive impaired; Plan ahead, give your keys to a designated driver before you go out, call a taxi, take mass transit, or use your favorite ride sharing service;  Promptly report drunk drivers to law enforcement by pulling over and dialing 911; Make sure everyone in your vehicle wears his or her seat belt. It is their best defense against a drunk/impaired driver.
